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Meet the Team
George Kuru
Manager of Carbon Services and IT Systems
Manager of Carbon and IT Systems

George is a professional forester and biometrician specializing in forest inventory, yield and growth modelling, information technology and supply chain management for the forestry and agricultural sectors. He has over 30 years’ international experience working in Asia, the Pacific and Sub-Saharan Africa.


His key skills are natural resource management, carbon and emissions modelling, and system design and development for natural resurce management.


Apart from his Indonesian operations, he currently manages a country level program for legality and log tracking in Ghana that is funded by the European Union. This ground-breaking project is expected to become a model for other countries to follow.



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Manager of Consulting
Alex Thorp
Manager Consulting

Alex is a professional forester with over 30 years of experience working as an industry consultant, resource manager and trader in the forestry and agri-business sectors in South East Asia.​

Alex’s specialties are natural forest assessment activities, natural and plantation forest management consulting, harvesting & transport, forest investment and forest valuation. This extends to palm oil, rubber and biomass crops. He also has strong understanding on project identification and due diligence, forest inventory, raw material supply assessment, resource management and forest certification support.


Domiciled in Indonesia for more than 25 years, Alex is fluent in bahasa Indonesia. He has consulted to both Government and private organisations, and has probably the best overall knowledge of the Indonesian archipelago of any active consultant within this region.



Manager of Operations
Tony Wood
Manager Operations

With a professional degree in Forestry, Tony has over 20 years’ experience within Indonesia and rounds out the permanent senior management team for Ata Marie.


Tony’s skills are in both direct management and in senior level consulting. Tony has successfully managed large scale planting and harvesting operations within Indonesia, he has 15 years of working for major Indonesian Plantation Companies up to General Manager level. Some started from a green-fields situation and were built up from zero involving all aspects of R&D, recruitment and training. The rest involved operational improvement and expansion of existing projects.


Tony managed the Indonesian branch of the Poyry Consulting Group from 2009 – 2011, successfully growing the business in the forestry and biomass sectors.



Dadan Setiawan
GIS & Remote Sensing Team Leader

As professional forester and remote sensing analyst Dadan has extensive knowledge and experience in mapping, information management, spatial related activities  as well as database and information technology.


He has experience in working in a number of different sectors (agriculture and food security, water resources, forest and fire management, health, demographic and population, humanitarian and post-disaster recovery). He has worked for Ata Marie for seven years and during this time has developed Ata Marie’s vegetation cover and land use assessment projects. This is an integral part of all Ata Marie’s resource assessment, forest valuation, and carbon stock assessment projects.


Dadan is an Indonesian national, has worked on projects located throughout Indonesia and is fluent in Indonesian.

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Sofyan Iskandar 
Community Engagement Team Leader

Sofyan is a professional forester and forest surveyor. He has extensive knowledge and experiences in field survey, community engagement and environmental assessment.


Sofyan is manager of Ata Marie’s field survey capacity responsible for organizing forest inventory, environmental assessments and multi-stakeholder consultation (Government/community/NGO).


He is an Indonesian national, has worked on projects located throughout Indonesia and is a fluent in Indonesian.

Dadi Ardiansyah
Forest Survey and Biodiversity Team Leader

Dadi is a professional forest surveyor with over 13 year experience in Forest Inventory in Indonesia. Specific expertise focuses on:

  • Preparing forest inventory survey plans.

  • Supervise a survey team for conducting forestry surveys.

  • Identification and assessment of high conservation value area.

  • Identification and assessment of high carbon stock.

  • Parcipatory Land Use Mapping



Technical Services Team

ATA MARIE has a permanent team of 20+ qualified agricultural, field surveyors, and GIS technicians who provide field surveying expertise throughout Asia.


Prof Clement Somuah

Expert / Associate

IT management expert, leader of ATA MARIE's operations in Africa


Dr. Kevin Grace

Expert / Associate

Forest conservation, forest certification, forest legality.


Paul Pearson

Expert / Associate

Project management, IT systems design, and development, carbon project policy, design, and management.


Rene Wetering

Expert / Associate

Environmental engineer specializing in environmental impact assessment, environmental management planning, re-vegetation, and forest rehabilitation. He is qualified in the use of the Vetiver System, especially for the purposes of erosion and sediment control, the establishment of vegetative propagation nurseries, capacity building, and site-based training.



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Desi Paulina Sitanggang
Environmental, Social & Community Expert - Liaison Management

Desi is Ata Marie’s Social and Environmental team leader. She has a degree in Soil Science. Her role in AMG is to support community engagement for the purposes of FPIC, health and safety, environment management, fire control and conflict resolution.


Desi has worked predominantly in the forestry sector but is now working with all AMG's clients in the forestry, palm oil and rubber sectors.


She leads the community engagement team in support of community mapping, multi-level resource evaluations, investment and reputational risk asessments, and conservation / environmental planning.

Annisa Dian
Office Manager

Annisa is the Office Manager for Ata Marie's Jakarta Office.


She has a background in financial accounting and her role is to run the office and oversee the financial accounts. 
Annisa speaks fluent English and Indonesian.

Office Manager

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